

Tomorrow the video will come up, I can’t promise what time, or what to expect.

But I have already loaded the next chapter into, so that will be published at 12 O’clock,

In mine time. Have a nice night everybody! 😀


If it doesn’t come up on time, then I overslept, since I should be able to publish it from to devices xD Sorry if that is the case, but in my defense, I’m really good at sleeping… okay mostly, not always ( I often have nightmares ~) Anyway, bye ~ 😀

Bring it all into One

During tonight I’ll post some progress and work around the game I’m making. This will include some screen shots and a little resume of what it’s about. I really enjoy making this game, so I hope someone will love to play it too ^-^

Beside the game, I’ll temporarily make an app (with one of those free app makers) so you can get everything, without having to get emails all the time. I’ll make it so you can get these post, at once – then I’ll make sure it sends notifications when I have put something up on youtube, or Movellas. This way it’s a lot easier for you to know when I have done anything ( I’ll do my best to make sure there is no commercials!) – Then when some time has passed ( most likely some months), then I’ll build my own app, which would work on a lot of the stuffs I want to bring into it, without leaving any commercials. Some of the points I would love in this app would be:

  1. A counter ( Since I personally say “I post movellas on Sundays”, but you guys don’t know when Sunday is for me… – this way I have a specific time, I’ll put things up on)
  2. A message/Notification. ( So I can tell you peeps when I’ll be done doing stuff. Sometimes I need to delay Movellas, and I feel bad that some people wait for a chapter… I go to school, and sometimes I don’t have any free time)
  3. Mini-Calendar. (Dates for things I’ll post, make, and put up)
  4. E-reader function. ( Read my stories and post on bloggers delight at once)
  5. A gallery. (Sometimes I put up photos, either for profile pictures, or banners, also screenshots of stuff I make, here you will be able to see it)

This is some of the things I would love. I hope I can get it working, so for now ~ Bye 😀

Currently working on

So my focus can shift very much, from coding to animation, to game creation. And right now I’m working on a game called “The Castle of Uncle Stein” (See the photo attached), it’s a game I worked on for a competition, but because I ran into some trouble ( somehow a freaking spider crawled into my computer) I couldn’t go near my computer. So I didn’t anticipate, and instead I want to keep working on it, but kind of split it up in several games. Like a trilogy of games. Or like Walking dead where you get it in episodes! 😀


The game itself isn’t that hard to make, since is a RPG game – made with (SURPRISE!) Rpg maker. This game is nothing huge, but I hope it would be enjoyable. Like “Witch house”, “Ib” – you get the idea.

That game is my main focus, but I’m also – in this week – working up something for my Movella/book. The book is called “Holding my breath” and is a sequel to my previous movella/book “Still breathing”. It’s just a little video where – No. It’s a surprise, so instead I’ll show this photo, of me declaring it on Movellas:


After the video is up, I’ll tell a bit about how I made it, and why I made it.

The why is actually something I can answer a bit of now. You know how some books, movies, games have these extra little things, that makes you live more into the world you are in, in that book/movie/game. And that is what I want in my books. Therefor I would love to do all these extra things, to make it like that.

The wall 31-08-2014

Nightmare from 31-08-2014:

Me and my class had gotten acces to this great chinese castle, because we had written some stories about it. The castle had a black past filled with red blood spill but since the teachers had made a “No-one is binded to the tables”-spell, we could all walk freely. (If they hadn’t made that spell, none of us would be able to leave the tables where we had breakfast). In the basement of this castle was “Nascar” and many people – during the buffet in the afternoon – wanted to go down there. The teacher told them they could, and they left. I got up from the table and climbed to a person hanging on a wall ( if he didn’t hang there, something bad would happen). As i got beside him, i couldn’t move either. Some sort of freaky light started to spread, and somehow i came to the conclusion that the light would kill everything in it’s path. I got away from the wall, but landed on the floor, my legs touching the light. They were starting not to work, so i ran for it – out through a window. I ran to the Nascar people, in the basement and got them out of the castle. After that we all ran – and ran- and ran. As i look back i could see more and more people die, because of the house, and i Thought the castle would kill us all. I wake up, tangled in a confusing net of strings for drying clothes, hanged from my door to my desk – only kept in place by a banana peel i can’t reach. I look back at my bed, only to see some red writing ( i guess blood) on it, and i know it’s about my dream, so i don’t read it. After that i tell my mom i don’t want her using my room to dry clothes.

Then i really wake up

Social-stuff where you can see me

If you are interested in some of the stuff i’m working on…. here is a link to my Movellas profile ( where i write stories) and to my Youtube ( where i make AMV’s)



Have a good day 😀